Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[RE] Andre Nguyen: Going for the look

        I agree with Andre Nguyen, while retailers defend their hiring practices their practices ultimately set a bad name for the company. It is wrong for companies to hire solely based on appearances, yet it is completely legal.  This allows discrimination to take its path.  When people choose what type of employee they want,
"people's views on what's attractive may be influenced by their race, their religion, their age".
 This approach now can be called out as racist, and now what? Is it still legal then? It would not be fair that people be denied jobs because of their race. How do companies expect to defend themselves then? Andre says,
"The Civil Rights Act of 1964, specifically Title VII, gives people who applied for a job but got denied because of race the ability to sue the company based on denial of their civil liberties and discrimination".
Companies are setting themselves up for lawsuits and bad reputations. Also, people allowing these hiring processes to take place is giving racism and discrimination a green light, not just into job situations but simple life situations. We are taking backward steps, when we should be taking steps forward to try and eliminate racism that still exists today.

        Companies should be searching for people that can contribute positive working qualities and help bring positive aspects to the working environment. Hiring based on appearance can only contribute minimally. It's wrong to choose a good looking person over a highly qualified person. It's sad that companies prefer appearances over merit. A less attractive person should not be denied a job when they prove to be obviously more qualified than a "good looking person". Companies should focus on hiring people who will get the job done right. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

[CE]: Toddler in China hit by 2 vehicles then ignored

        On Tuesday October 18, 2011 in Beijing China, a child was run over by two cars and ignored. The 2 year old was left on the street to die. "According to surveillance video of the scene", 18 people passed by the injured child without helping her. Cars and motorcycles even drove around the child without caring to stop. The girl was eventually pulled to the side by an old woman! Of all the people that could have helped the child, an old woman went in the street and pulled her off the road. I'm sure there were plenty of other younger and stronger people who could have helped her, but yet the old woman  was the only one who attempted to pull her off the road. The little girl was interned in the hospital and in coma for a week. Unfortunately, the little girl dies of her injuries.
        Apparently many people defended the situation from previous incidents that occurred where people had tried to help the elderly and had been accused of wrongdoing. This has brought about a lot of discussion about the morals of China. Honestly, in my opinion I wouldn't care about being accused of wrongdoing. If someone is in need of help, I'm going to help them to the best of my abilities. Especially if its a 2 year old child. I mean I know a lot of people are scared of being sued and accused of wrongdoing, but wouldn't you risk all that to save a child's life, especially one who is pain? There is no excuse for these people, they should have helped the innocent child.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[CE]: Anti-government T.V. channel find in Venezuela

        Venezuelan government fined Globovision 2.6 million dollars for some coverage they produced on prison riots. Globovision was the last anti-government channel remaining. The fine on Globovision was imposed by Conatels'  telecommunications regulator. Apparently, Globovision's coverage on "The Rodeo Prison Riots"  was said to have caused "hate and intolerance" and brought about anxiety in the public. Vice-President of Globovision said that the fine will lead the company's collapse because the company cannot afford to pay the huge fine. Globovisions said they plan to fight the issue in court accusing them of violation of press.
         The majority owner of the company Guillerom Zuloaga, who recently fled the year before for an arrest warrant, accuses the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez of vendetta. I completely agree and believe that the fine was scheme that the government planned to bankrupt the remaining anti-government channel, Globovision.  In fact, in 2010 RCTV, another opposing  station was forced off cable and satelite stations for unmentioned reasons in the article. Could this have been planned by the government? I sure think so. The government saw them as a threat and had to get rid of them before it revealed and damaged them. The government likes to control everything, including what is said. They're job is to keep the public uninformed and ignorant of things occuring around them. The government ensures that people are not taught things that they shouldn't know. So that's why I think they planned this. They waitied for something that was worth accusing and they made their move. I hope that the media is able to fight this in court and remain employed.

Monday, October 17, 2011


           So this weekend I went to a concert called Uproar. I can honestly say that it was one of the best experiences I have had. All through out my life I have struggled with my music preference. Since I can remember I have always liked to listen to rock and metal. My family always thought that it was weird for me to listen to that kind of music, especially being Mexican-American. I was always made fun of by my cousins because they listened to rap and hip hop. I was always forced to listen to their music although they didn't give me the chance to show them that my music wasn't so bad. Sometimes my family prohibited me to even listen to it while they were around because they didn't think it was right for me to listen to "devils music". Now that I'm older, I could really care less what they say about my music. Fortunately, my music is accepted by much of my family now. I'm happy to even say that my cousins even listen to rock at times with me.
          So going to this concert made me realize that I'm not alone. When I was at Uproar I was surprised to see a lot of Hispanics listening to the type of music I listen to. It made me feel I guess sort of normal knowing that there where other people just like me. It was weird, I did not expect there to be as many Hispanics as I saw. I mean I knew there were some out there but not as many as I saw. Now that I think about it though, why should the Hispanic aspect matter. Music is music, and everyone should be able to enjoy all different types of music no matter what race they are. Anyways this concert was fantastic, I think what made it fun was the fact that I was able to let go of the stereotypes and embrace the whole experience. I'm happy I was able to let go and ignore insignificant factors and and be myself.

Re: Gigi Zeng California Shooting

        This is in response to Gigi Zeng's blog about the California shooting. Scott Evans Dekraai, a former member of the U.S Armed Forces killed his ex-wife along with seven other people at a hair salon where his ex-wife was employed. When Scott  was arrested he revealed he was armed with rifles and knives all over his pockets. They said his motives where caused from a custody battle over their eight year old son. First of all, it is horrible that the child is left parentless. His child not only lost his mother, but his father too now that he will be convicted of murder and will be serving a long time in jail. There must have been something really wrong with him, if Scott thought killing his ex-wife was going to help win his son over. Also, If he loved his son so much why would he do this to his son's mother?
"What kind of twisted fatherly love is this? Now his 8-year old son has no mother, and has to live with the fact that his father is a murderer. Scott  Dekraai wouldn't have done this if he truly loved his son. I think he simply wanted revenge."
            I agree with Gigi Zeng, what kind of love is this? You love your son soo much, but you're willing to hurt them to get what you want. Not only that but it is very sad that 7 innocent people, were killed due to Dekraai's actions. While I agree that his actions where wrong, I do not completely blame him. I think that here is more to the story. I think there was something else that may have caused him to commit the murders. Maybe he has undiagnosed psychological problems caused from his time in the Armed Forces. I don't know though, we will have to follow the story to find out what happens.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Essay: Cohens argument

                 Forms of advertising are changing rapidly. Before, businesses focused their advertising on attracting customers solely based on the product itself. Now a days, companies focus their advertising through the enticing projections of beautiful people. Clothing companies display images of beautiful people all over magazines, billboards, and television in an attempt to lure people in to buy their product. While this approach works to grab some people's attention, it can put a stereotype on what type of people should and should not shop at that particular clothing store. Even though good looks and  images bring forth intrigue in some people, it should not be the ultimate thing that sells the product. Hiring people based on requirements such as appearances and images can be detrimental to the company if they do not have any positive qualities to offer besides looks. Not only this, but when hiring  people based on an image this could also discriminate against race, age, and gender. Hiring people based on looks and appearances may be more profitable in the beginning, but this process may also be a  damaging factor towards companies like Abercrombie.     
                Choosing something based off appearance is not something uncommon. In fact, almost all of us do it. However, I think that when it comes to hiring people it should not be as applicable. Before,  businesses hired people that displayed good attributes, now companies hire and prefer people that are beautiful and good looking. Many clothing industries like Hollister and Abercrombie hire good looking people to be "walking posters" to attract people to their products. What good does it do them if their walking billboards are complete jerks to customers? No one will want to purchase any item, let alone come in a store where they feel uncomfortable or mistreated. The company will be greatly affected by this factor. If image is preferred over merit, how do companies expect to prosper if they hire a good looking, lazy and irresponsible person. I'm not saying good looking people are lazy and irresponsible, I'm just saying that if they choose to hire people based on qualities such as appearance, how will the company know they did not choose someone who might affect the company in a negative connotation. No one wants an unhelpful employee. Also, I do not go to a mall and buy something because the sales representative is pretty. I choose buy an item if I like it.  In my opinion a sales representative's image is not nearly as important as their character and the way they treat their customers. Anyways, shouldn't the item be able to sell itself; does it really need a person to accesorise it?
                    When companies try to center themselves around an image, this can cause them to narrow their potential cliental. When companies hire models that are tall, thin, pretty, young or of a particular race, they can unintentionally send a message to the public that their clothes or merchandise are only for those specified type of people. People may begin to think that they need to fit those requirements in order to have the item. This can lead to the formation of stereotypes. Companies say that the reason for their approach is for profitable business purposes. However, if this was the case, then wouldn't companies be focused on finding an approach that would include everyone? Companies should not be trying to stereotype things, instead they should find a way to try and incorporate the idea of diversity in their company. When they put labels on their products, they can cause people to repel from the product because they may feel they do not belong or fit in with the product.
                   While choosing employees based on appearance may be effective and productive for the company, it can also be viewed as discrimination. Choosing someone based on appearance can be viewed as racist because someone might think that someone from a particular race might be more attractive then someone from a different race. This process of choosing based on appearance is still considered legal, although it is considered as discrimination by many. Another way it is discriminatory is because when companies choose on appearance it can also be sexist. Someone might prefer a female employee over a male employee or vise versa. Many companies also prefer younger employees over older employees because they seem to be more attractive. I am not saying companies do not have a right to choose who they want to employ, but is't there a limit to what they can and can not do? The process that these several companies take although still legal, are unfair as they cross the lines of racism, sexism and discrimination of age.
                   It is hard to choose a side. Although appearance may be beneficial in some ways to companies, I feel that overall it has more downsides. Although hiring beautiful and attractive people may help invite customers in the stores, it also repels many potential customers due to the stereotypes it imposes. Hiring for merit may be more beneficial to the company than hiring a person for his or her looks. A more qualified person can help the company run more successfully and can contribute to a positive environment in the store itself. I think the hiring practices are wrong although they have a choice to say who they want to work for their company. Although Cohen's arguments may be partially correct, overall I feel the argument he brings forth are not enough to compensate for the discrimination that takes place in the hiring practices by these companies.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[CE] Bad Apple

       Recently, Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook announced the launch of IPHONE 4S. Apple hadn’t launched any new products for months. Many people became disappointed that there would not be an IPHONE 5. Tim Cook announced that the IPHONE 4S has the same design as previous phones, it is just a bit more upgraded with faster processing and updated with hardware and software systems. People were disappointed because they were expecting more from what Apple had to offer at the recent launch. Now more than ever, Apple has a lot of pressure because there has been a major rise in Android users. Apparently Android sells have been damaging Apple’s IPHONE sells. Many people were expecting the launch of the IPHONE 5 to change all that, but the IPHONE 4S did not meet people’s expectations.

        The thing with Apple is that they launch something and a few months later they would launch out a newer version. In the past they greedily launched out their products, one after the other and now that they have nothing new to launch it hit them and it hit them big. They set it up that way. They created a cycle where people are constantly expecting them to come up with something better, even when what they already have is good. I would hear many people talk about their new IPHONE and a couple months later talk about how they couldn’t wait for the new one. I’m not saying it’s bad, but I’m not saying it’s good either. The IPHONE 5 will come out when Apple is ready that they have something worthwhile, it just takes time.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Free: Not so good weekend

          On Thursday all I could think about was the weekend, and how amazing it would be. I was so happy that I was going to have a three day weekend thanks to the furlough day. As the bell rang fifth period, I ran out of school because I was headed to the mall with my friend. I got to the mall and enjoyed myself. I went home knowing that this would be the start to an amazing three day weekend. Friday passed and I went to Sacramento to visit my sister and brother. Saturday and Sunday however, I was all alone and bored. Everyone was out the house doing something and I was stuck doing homework. My sister got to go to my cousins’ house and I couldn’t go because I was stuck with boring old homework. I felt horrible; I wanted to have fun too. I was in the house all day Saturday and most of Sunday. This was not how I planned my weekend to go; in fact it was far from it. I was upset and sad the whole time.
       Now that I think about it though, not everything goes as planned. Sometimes things happen and you just have to go with it. I learned that you can’t sit there feeling sorry for yourself because that won’t make a difference. You will still be in that same position; in fact the only thing it will do is make things worse. Sometimes you have to prioritize before you can have fun. You just got to go with what you’re given and make the best of it. 

[RE] to Terrace: Marijuana

        After reading Terrace’s blog I decided to do a response about the legalization of Marijuana since it sounded pretty interesting and prevalent. A lot of people believe Marijuana is bad just because it is labeled as a drug. Marijuana is one of the safest illegal drugs out in the world today. The fact is that Marijuana is a lot safer then legal products out in society today. Marijuana is a lot safer and less deadly then cigarettes and alcohol. Cigarettes affect millions of people worldwide, causing cancer, first and even second hand smoke. Marijuana has fewer carcinogens, cancer causing agents, then cigarettes. Most people smoke cigarettes daily, while marijuana is only used casually for recreational and medicinal use. Alcohol is said to be a hundred times more toxic to the body then marijuana. Many people are hurt and killed from using these substances irresponsibly and yet there are no reported deaths caused by marijuana. Terrace adds,
“I have not once heard of someone dying due to a marijuana overdose”.
      Marijuana can instill more positive contributions on society then it can negatively. In fact, it can help many people in society. Marijuana is used medically to treat many sick people. It helps people living with HIV, cancer and even glaucoma. It alleviates physical pain and also provides a relief for the patient. It also helps these patients to live a life away from their disease. Medical marijuana helps patients to live happy and normal lives. If marijuana is so harmful and destructive, why do doctors choose to use it for patients?

        I think that Marijuana should be legalized because prohibiting Marijuana is causing more havoc then its intention of creating peace and tranquility. Legalizing Marijuana would create safer conditions in communities. The distribution of drugs would be in the hands of the government and not drug dealers on the streets. People could feel safer knowing that their product is coming from a safer place. Prohibiting Marijuana allows drug dealers to stay on the streets and is one factor of the violence on the streets. The profits of selling marijuana could go to help boost our declining economy and can even be beneficial towards our education system. If legalization is working for other places like Canada, Holland and Netherlands, what’s to say it won’t work for us?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[RE] Sulaiman Hameed: Don't ask don't tell

       This post is in response to Sulaiman. The “Don’t ask don’t tell” was the law where if you were revealed to be homosexual, you would be stripped of your badges and kicked out of the army. The "Don't ask don’t tell" was a complete and utter embarrassment if I say so myself. This law was so immoral and unfair. I thought we lived in a country where one had a right to express freedom of religion, press, assembly and speech. Wasn’t “Don’t ask don’t tell” a violation of peoples’ rights? Not only this, but,
“these brave, young men and women are out there serving our country on fierce and intense battlegrounds everyday and they have the nerve to say that if you have a different sexual preference then you can’t fight and defend the country you love”.
       How can you take away a person’s rights to help serve the country based on their sexuality? Having a different sexual preference does not make them a bad person. They are people just like us and should not be treated indifferently. They risk their lives just as much as the other soldiers do in the war, so why shouldn’t they have the same rights of freedom? How are we going to judge people just because they are different? Many people say that homosexuality is a choice and that it is a sin. In my opinion, homosexuality is not a choice; people do not wake up and choose to be gay. They do not just choose to be judged and hated by society or family. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

CE: Spain bullfighting

   This video describes how bullfighting has been banned in Catalina Barcelona and describes people’s differentiating views on the ban. For many years, bullfighting has brought about passionate debate around the world. In Spain, bullfighting is viewed by many as an art. By others it is viewed as "barbarism". Many people are infuriated by this because to them, bullfighting is a long held tradition of Spain. To some Spaniards bullfighting is a ritual, “an ancient ceremony where man and beast engage in a fight to the death”. In my opinion, I think that the ban of bullfighting was a positive reinforcement in Spain.
      Bullfighting is cruel and consists of killing an animal, an innocent animal. The bulls are beaten, battered, and stabbed before they even enter the arena.  I don’t see the reason why a harmless animal has to be tortured and slaughtered because of tradition. This is animal cruelty. I am also completely against a person risking his or her life to fulfill a ritual, a ritual that was created many years ago as a form of art. Although bullfighting may be tradition to many Spaniards, times have changed. There are many other traditions that don’t exist today because they have been outdated. For example, look at the Gladiators. People had to fight to the death for entertainment purposes. To the Romans, this was a form of tradition. Should the “art” of the Romans be brought back to present day? I know it’s hard to let go of something you have known for so long, but sometimes it’s for the best.

BC: Talents

         Through my adolescence I looked around and remember becoming confused but most of all astounded by the diversity of everything and everyone. I was amazed on how a person could speak a different language, be of a different culture or religion in the area that I lived in. How was it possible to have that much diversity in just a portion of an area? This question was something that stuck with me for awhile. This was the question that fueled my passion for linguistics.
          Most people in the United States are monolingual and can only speak one language, English. Most people do not even consider trying to learn to speak another language because they are happily satisfied with just being able to speak English. Being confined to one language is a barrier for our attempt to understand the rest of the world. Being able to speak several languages opens up a person’s mind, and allows them to experience different cultures and people’s way of being. In doing this, people will be able to interact much easier with each other. I think that having the ability to speak several languages is a quality that more people should try to possess.
        A polyglot is someone who uses or speaks in many languages. A personal accomplishment I have is my ability to speak and write in multiple languages. The first language I learned was Spanish. I was taught how to speak English by my stepfather at the age of two. I have studied French in school for about four years. I can speak, read and write in Spanish and French. I am learning Russian from a family member and trying to learn some Arabic phrases from a friend I just met at school. I can say several things in Russian, but I still have to try and learn my alphabet. I was even taught how to count to ten in German by a foreign exchange student my junior year.
         I am proud of this accomplishment because it’s something that many people cannot do. Being able to understand multiple languages is not something that comes easy or without effort. It takes dedication and most of all hard work. I have made several hundred flashcards for French and have learned much through repetition. 
This talent exhibits my consideration and curiosity. I have always been a person who has been considerate or thoughtful of other people’s feelings. I have always been curious about different religion, languages, culture and anything else that falls in this category. Being able to speak various languages allows me to explore and understand people’s differences. My ability to speak several languages gives me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of others.
       I am proud to call myself bilingual. The reason I do not consider myself trilingual is because four years of French education does not make me fluent in French. I hope to continue my French education, so that one day I can call myself trilingual one day. I also hope to continue to learn as many other languages I can to be able to further my knowledge. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Free: Taken for granted?

    I sat quiet for about five minutes trying to figure out what to write about. Then I thought about my day and I remembered about some post I saw on Facebook. One of my friends on Facebook posted something about a friend dying. He said that the day before his friend’s death, he had come across him at the store and that he had completely avoided and ignored him. He felt horrible not being able to apologize now that he was gone. This made me come to the realization that many people take things and loved ones for granted. It made me realize that there are people in my life that I take for granted.
            For example, there has been several times where I have tried to avoid conversations with members of my family. I hate talking on the phone, so when someone calls me I try and rush the conversation to get off the phone as fast as I can. Now that I look back at all the times my grandma has called me, I am completely appalled by the way I reacted, or the way I tried to rush to get off the phone. Was it really that hard for me to take 10 minutes of my time to speak to my grandma? What if one day she wasn’t here? How will I tell her I love her then? A lot of people do not realize what they have until they lose it. I don’t want to be one of those people that looks back and realizes it’s too late to change what has been done. I’m glad I was able to experience this realization before it was too late. Well, I’m off to go call my grandma, but before I go, is there something you take for granted?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

CE: Dozen of bodies found in E. Mexico

    A large number of dead bodies were found in Veracruz, Mexico. Thirty five bodies were dumped on the street in broad daylight in Veracruz. It is said that 2 of the 35 bodies were children and about 12 of them were women. The bodies were piled, bruised, and handcuffed. The report said that the killings were said to have come from the work of the Zetas. The dead bodies were marked with "Z's". These events are far from the usual. People are being killed in Mexico because of drug trafficking every day. The cartel resorts to violence to help protect their industry. They brutally kill innocent people and affect the lives of many. The actions of the cartel are affecting the lives of many citizens both in Mexico and the United States. Both citizens from the U.S. and Mexico live in fear from the violence caused by the cartels. The cartel has been smuggling drugs in the United States for years and continues to do so as long as the demand for the product continues. I believe that the legalization of drugs may be a major solution to the violence occurring both in Mexico and the United States. If drugs are legalized, the cartel will be out of business and violence will reduce significantly.

        As a Hispanic, I hear a lot of talk about Mexico from my family members. Even on the news, I am always hearing about the ongoing violence that occurs on the streets of Mexico. The violence in Mexico has affected the lives and my family too. My family is from Guadalajara, Jalisco. My grandma and grandpa, along with a few uncles and aunts live back in Mexico. Every summer since I was little I went to Guadalajara to go visit my grandma, but due to the rise in violence, I have not been able to visit since seventh grade. The violence in Mexico prevents me from being able to visit my family. Not only is this a main issue, but I also live in fear wondering if my relatives are at risk of being victims of the cartel's work

Monday, September 19, 2011

RE: [Angela] France bans all public prayer

I agree with Angela  to a certain extent on the issue, 
"Everyone has the freedom to assemble and express. These are the unalienable rights every human being deserves on this world."

        I agree that everyone has the right of freedom to assemble and express themselves and what they believe in. Yet, I do not believe that the ban on public prayers was unreasonable. I know it seems like Muslim followers are being treated unfair and are being deprived of their personal freedoms, but that is not entirely the case. I feel that public prayer may be intrusive to the lives of others on the streets. The public prayer can be disruptive to people on the streets either in relation to foot traffic, or driving, people out dining, or any other events that occur on the streets. I do not see why people have to have service on the streets when there is plenty of room available for them in a more appropriate intimate place. France is not taking people's rights away to pray or to worship. In fact, weren't they given a space to fit thousands of worshipers? People's rights to freedom are permitted just as long as it does not interfere or disrupt the lives of others. The French Government has to make decisions that will benefit the will of the masses, not just those of a limited group. The ban on public prayer is only trying to balance the rights of people in the community. Everyone's rights and wishes have to be taken into consideration.

Free: Lost In translation

                So, this is my eighth post and it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to write about. I thought it would be cool to write about things that interest me. So I just decided to write about what is on my mind. My future. I am between a rock and a hard place. I have two careers that I would equally like to pursue. I want to work for the government and be a translator, but I would also like to become a cardiac surgeon. I am interested in being a translator for the U.N. because one of my hobbies is learning how to speak different languages. I know how to speak, read and write in English, and Spanish. I am in my fourth year of French. I am also in the process of learning Russian through a mutual family friend. I even know how to count from 1-10 in German. I would not like to stop there, I would like to know as many languages as my mind can handle. Whenever I meet someone who speaks a different language, I try and learn as much as I can. I think its so cool to learn different languages to be able to travel and communicate with people all over the world. I would also like to be a cardiac surgeon so I can be able to help save people's lives. The heart interests me a lot for some strange reason. I like the way to works, with all the parts and its functions. I'm not going to lie and say I'm good know all about it and that I'm good at it, but it interests me. I first learned about it my sophomore year and since then I haven't really learned more about it. Another thing that pulls me toward this career is the fact that I will be helping people. Whatever I do, I want to do something that will help benefit others. I want to explore both things before I make I decision on what I want to do the rest of my life. I just hope I chose the right one.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

RE Justin: My life

      I also know how awkward and difficult it is to have to reintroduce a father, child relationship, when so much has happened in between. Although I was very little when it all happened, just knowing what happened makes the situation weird even to this day. Like Justin, I also did not have my father with me the first years of my life. I was born on March 26, 1994. My mother was only 19 and my father was 20 when they had me. My family members said that I was the baby that everyone wished they had.  I was a quiet baby that hardly ever cried. In fact, I am told that I cry more now than when I was an infant. They were wrong about everyone wanting me though, because at the time, my own father did not want me. All my dad wanted to do was go out with his friends and have fun. He left my mom alone with the responsibilities of raising me. As I turned 2, my dad realized his errors and tried to pursue visitation rights over me, but my mom denied my father any visitation over me.
      My stepfather came in the picture when I was 1 and helped my mom raise me. He convinced my mom to allow my dad have visitation rights. He made it possible for me to know my dad. He knew how tough it was growing up without a father and did not want the same hardships for me. What happened happened. I do not judge my dad for what he did, as I hope you do not either. Nor do I hold any grudge against my dad, because I know that we all make mistakes that serve as a purpose to teach us important lessons. I can actually say that I am happy how life played out because
"this situation made me who I am today"
and without all this I wouldn't have my two dads in my life. It's nice knowing that there is people out there I can relate my story to. Thanks for posting your story.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

CE: Growing Up Muslim

       Since the attack on 9/11 the lives of Muslim Americans has changed significantly. Many Muslims experience various forms of discrimination everyday. The events of September 11 have given stereotypes to Muslims as terrorists and because of this they are treated unjust and unfair. Whether they are applying for jobs, of going to school, of shopping, I have seen and heard it all. They are discriminated against just because of their appearance, who they are and what they believe in. Years ago I heard of an incident in school where a Muslim student was forced to take of her head scarf. Many Muslims from time to time are under surveillance and suspicion just because of their religious beliefs. Not all people are the same, so why are innocent people being judged on the malicious actions of others. It is awful to hear that people are still being openly discriminated against, even after all the United States has gone through, from Emancipation Proclamation, to March and Selma, Women's Suffrage, and even presently Gay rights.
      However, it is great to hear that someone has taken these negative situations and turned it into something constructive. This young girl has chosen to make the best of the situations. She takes her surroundings as a learning experience. Growing up being judged against by others has taught her how to listen. This has taught her how to take other people's thoughts into consideration, something she admitted she might not have done if she had not experienced prejudice for herself. I like this story because it is unique, it's not just a story about a person talking about how they are subject to discrimination, it is a story about the growth these situations have given them.

Free: Block Schedule

          So today was the first day of block schedule at school. I couldn't wait for block schedule to start, since our school had two long weeks of regular schedule. Regular schedule means I have 6 periods in one day, which means 6 homework assignments due, which meant a lot of hours at the dinner table. I love yet hate block schedule at the same time. With block schedule I only 4 classes in a day. I like not having every class daily because, well the first reason is obviously because I have LESS homework! You do not go to class every day so that means you have more time to get your work done.

         Second, I don't have to do the same thing every day. Block schedule lets me have fifth period one day before lunch and another day after lunch and adds variety to my repetitive schedule. I also don't have to see the same people every day. I mean do you really like seeing your teacher every day? Or do you like seeing the same kids in your class every day. There is a huge downside to block schedule. Since not every class has to be fit in the schedule the classes lengths are an hour and a half. That may not sound long, but imagine staying in a seat for 90 minutes! I get tired of sitting in the same class for that long. It gets so tiring and frustrating because one class can seem so endless.

BC: Dreams and Desires

            I have accompanied my grandmother to the hospital several times throughout the years.
I remember seeing the nice ladies in various different colored uniforms. I felt so happy knowing that one person could help my grandmother. This would be one factor that gravitatated me towards the medical field. I wanted to be a nurse to help someone else’s grandmother. I wanted to make them feel assured and relieved like the nurses made me feel after they attended my grandmother.
            I became interested in helping others through the way I was raised. I was raised by my stepfather since the age of one. He taught me everything I know from riding a bike, my first math problem and even how to speak English. Besides all this, he taught me how to be a person of compassion, considerations and hard-work. His character influenced my desire to pursue the medical field. I recall going to San Francisco one weekend on a family outing and witnessing a horrible accident. There was scattered wreckage all over the freeway. My stepfather pulled over concerned that the victims of the crash were injured. I remember sitting in the backseat watching him through the window as he assisted the victims. He knew exactly what to do to help. Since he was a paramedic at the time he helped give aid to the people until the paramedics arrived. While others watched, he helped. I felt so proud to know that was my dad, helping the people in need. I can’t even recollect how many times he has done this. He has inspired me to be just like him, a compassionate, caring person.
           That is why I would like to be a cardiac surgeon. I chose the cardiac surgery over neurosurgery or thoracic surgery because it’s what interests me the most. I was a sophomore at Bishop O’Dowd High School when I realized I wanted to pursue cardiac surgery. I was in biology class when I was taught about the heart and its functions. I remember r completely hating the topic because I was completely lost in the lesson. It wasn’t until I got home and studied the pictures and notes that I realized that it was not that bad. In fact I grew to like it, a lot.
         Throughout the years my vision changed. Although I still want to pursue the medical field, I decided I wanted to do more than just care for the patient, but rather physically cure the ill patient myself. There are many things that have shaped my goals and desires. The most significant are my family, career people and experiences. All these factors have shaped me to be the person I am today. I want to be the person that people come to for help. I want to have the ability to restore peace and tranquility in the lives of families who are struggling with their health. I want to have a career that will make me proud of what I do every day.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

RE: Nathan 9/11

           It is not abnormal for people to fear another attack on the nation, especially since the anniversary of September 11 is approaching. The events that took place on 9/11 were horrible and affected the lives of many both directly and indirectly. Mothers, fathers, sisters, friends, co-workers and other loved ones were lost in the wake of the tragedy. I  cannot say much on the emotions I felt that day because I was only in second grade and did not have much understanding for what had happened that day. I do however remember acknowledging the fact that many lives of people were lost, but beyond  that I was completely ignorant

           September 11 instilled fear in the lives of  many Americans, a fear that still exists even 10 years later. Many people complain that the new security measures that the country is taking are exaggerated. For example, I remember hearing several reports in the news where people complained about the airport security process they had to undergo. What do they want? Another 9/11? I don't understand how people complain  that they feel unsafe but yet refuse to follow the regulations imposed upon them. I'm not saying they don't have a right to express there feelings of discomfort, but what else can be done to make sure that the lives of people are safe? Nathan wrote
"It is said that 75 billion is used for airport security and is that all really needed?"
 That money  should be spent on improving the lives of children through education, but instead we are forced to spend it on trying to protect ourselves against POSSIBLE future attacks that are very unlikely.

            Since the events of 9/11 other forms of security measures have been taken.There are forms of video capturing everywhere, where society is being are being watched constantly. One cannot go anywhere without being watched. I know it feels like people are being deprived of their freedom, but isn't a little forfeit of freedom worth knowing you are safe and secure? It is uncertain when Americans will start to feel safe once again, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, who knows?

CE: What's the situation?

              So first there where claims by many people that President Obama was not a United States citizen. He actually had to prove to people that he was a citizen by allowing people to see his birth certificate. No president has ever had to undergo such disrespect. Now President Obama is disrespected yet another time, but on a completely different level. Republicans decided to delay a very important meeting that Obama had scheduled to address important countrywide issues. Obama tried to scheduled a meeting with Congress to try and find a way to solve the job issues occurring in this country. John Boehner, Republican House Speaker came to the decision that the Republican debate was of higher priority then the meeting scheduled by President Obama. Obama was forced to reschedule the meeting. How much more disrespect can PRESIDENT Obama be subject to? Is the debate so significant that the nationwide issue of unemployment must be delayed? Many people are depending on the government to fix the unemployment issue, and instead we have people focusing there time towards who has the power?
           This country needs to find solutions to these problems fast.The economic state of our country is declining rapidly. The solution is finding common ground, focusing on the issues that can cripple or destroy our nation. The economy, jobs, healthcare, immigration, and social security any one of these issues alone has the potential to harm our country. Now consider the fact that the perfect storm, comprised of all of these aforementioned factors, has  hit  our nation and the majority of our citizens are content to be blissfully ignorant, more concerned with American Idol or Jersey shore.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Free Post: The Road

          We all share something in common, we all have fears. Whether it’s caused from an insect like a spider, the fear of change or the fear of the unknown; we all have underlying insecurities. It’s how we deal with our fear that sets us apart. Many people go through life allowing their feelings of insecurity to overcome their dreams and desires. We can go through life living in complete and utter fear, but in doing so we allow our insecurities to block us from achieving our goals. On the other hand there are the people that use their insecurities to push them even harder to achieve their goals. The road to overcome a fear or insecurity may be long and difficult, but it is so worth the trip. One fear of mine is public speaking. I remember one day coming in to class and being so afraid because I knew I had to present a report in front of the class. I came to the realization that I would have to confront my fear one way or another. So I decided to end my fear by volunteering myself to present first. My little insecurity pushed me to overcome my fear. The best of it all was the fact that I did not let my fear deter me from  accomplishing what I had to do. It feels so good to overcome something that has been holding you back for so long. So who are you? The person who lets heights stop them from enjoying themselves, or are you the person riding that roller coaster. Don't let your fears hold you back; just go with it.