Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[RE] Sulaiman Hameed: Don't ask don't tell

       This post is in response to Sulaiman. The “Don’t ask don’t tell” was the law where if you were revealed to be homosexual, you would be stripped of your badges and kicked out of the army. The "Don't ask don’t tell" was a complete and utter embarrassment if I say so myself. This law was so immoral and unfair. I thought we lived in a country where one had a right to express freedom of religion, press, assembly and speech. Wasn’t “Don’t ask don’t tell” a violation of peoples’ rights? Not only this, but,
“these brave, young men and women are out there serving our country on fierce and intense battlegrounds everyday and they have the nerve to say that if you have a different sexual preference then you can’t fight and defend the country you love”.
       How can you take away a person’s rights to help serve the country based on their sexuality? Having a different sexual preference does not make them a bad person. They are people just like us and should not be treated indifferently. They risk their lives just as much as the other soldiers do in the war, so why shouldn’t they have the same rights of freedom? How are we going to judge people just because they are different? Many people say that homosexuality is a choice and that it is a sin. In my opinion, homosexuality is not a choice; people do not wake up and choose to be gay. They do not just choose to be judged and hated by society or family. 

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