Thursday, September 8, 2011

CE: What's the situation?

              So first there where claims by many people that President Obama was not a United States citizen. He actually had to prove to people that he was a citizen by allowing people to see his birth certificate. No president has ever had to undergo such disrespect. Now President Obama is disrespected yet another time, but on a completely different level. Republicans decided to delay a very important meeting that Obama had scheduled to address important countrywide issues. Obama tried to scheduled a meeting with Congress to try and find a way to solve the job issues occurring in this country. John Boehner, Republican House Speaker came to the decision that the Republican debate was of higher priority then the meeting scheduled by President Obama. Obama was forced to reschedule the meeting. How much more disrespect can PRESIDENT Obama be subject to? Is the debate so significant that the nationwide issue of unemployment must be delayed? Many people are depending on the government to fix the unemployment issue, and instead we have people focusing there time towards who has the power?
           This country needs to find solutions to these problems fast.The economic state of our country is declining rapidly. The solution is finding common ground, focusing on the issues that can cripple or destroy our nation. The economy, jobs, healthcare, immigration, and social security any one of these issues alone has the potential to harm our country. Now consider the fact that the perfect storm, comprised of all of these aforementioned factors, has  hit  our nation and the majority of our citizens are content to be blissfully ignorant, more concerned with American Idol or Jersey shore.

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