Tuesday, September 27, 2011

CE: Spain bullfighting

   This video describes how bullfighting has been banned in Catalina Barcelona and describes people’s differentiating views on the ban. For many years, bullfighting has brought about passionate debate around the world. In Spain, bullfighting is viewed by many as an art. By others it is viewed as "barbarism". Many people are infuriated by this because to them, bullfighting is a long held tradition of Spain. To some Spaniards bullfighting is a ritual, “an ancient ceremony where man and beast engage in a fight to the death”. In my opinion, I think that the ban of bullfighting was a positive reinforcement in Spain.
      Bullfighting is cruel and consists of killing an animal, an innocent animal. The bulls are beaten, battered, and stabbed before they even enter the arena.  I don’t see the reason why a harmless animal has to be tortured and slaughtered because of tradition. This is animal cruelty. I am also completely against a person risking his or her life to fulfill a ritual, a ritual that was created many years ago as a form of art. Although bullfighting may be tradition to many Spaniards, times have changed. There are many other traditions that don’t exist today because they have been outdated. For example, look at the Gladiators. People had to fight to the death for entertainment purposes. To the Romans, this was a form of tradition. Should the “art” of the Romans be brought back to present day? I know it’s hard to let go of something you have known for so long, but sometimes it’s for the best.

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