Sunday, September 25, 2011

Free: Taken for granted?

    I sat quiet for about five minutes trying to figure out what to write about. Then I thought about my day and I remembered about some post I saw on Facebook. One of my friends on Facebook posted something about a friend dying. He said that the day before his friend’s death, he had come across him at the store and that he had completely avoided and ignored him. He felt horrible not being able to apologize now that he was gone. This made me come to the realization that many people take things and loved ones for granted. It made me realize that there are people in my life that I take for granted.
            For example, there has been several times where I have tried to avoid conversations with members of my family. I hate talking on the phone, so when someone calls me I try and rush the conversation to get off the phone as fast as I can. Now that I look back at all the times my grandma has called me, I am completely appalled by the way I reacted, or the way I tried to rush to get off the phone. Was it really that hard for me to take 10 minutes of my time to speak to my grandma? What if one day she wasn’t here? How will I tell her I love her then? A lot of people do not realize what they have until they lose it. I don’t want to be one of those people that looks back and realizes it’s too late to change what has been done. I’m glad I was able to experience this realization before it was too late. Well, I’m off to go call my grandma, but before I go, is there something you take for granted?


  1. It's good to be thankful for the things you have, but don't beat yourself up about it! Sure, the person might have liked to have had attention while they were living, but once they're departed the important thing is that you learn how much you cared for them, and how precious the people in your life that you care about are to you.

  2. Hey there, I blogged on your post.

  3. Wow this is really powerful stuff. Really made me realize the distance between my own family and I. Ill definitely use this as a response post soon.
