Thursday, September 15, 2011

RE Justin: My life

      I also know how awkward and difficult it is to have to reintroduce a father, child relationship, when so much has happened in between. Although I was very little when it all happened, just knowing what happened makes the situation weird even to this day. Like Justin, I also did not have my father with me the first years of my life. I was born on March 26, 1994. My mother was only 19 and my father was 20 when they had me. My family members said that I was the baby that everyone wished they had.  I was a quiet baby that hardly ever cried. In fact, I am told that I cry more now than when I was an infant. They were wrong about everyone wanting me though, because at the time, my own father did not want me. All my dad wanted to do was go out with his friends and have fun. He left my mom alone with the responsibilities of raising me. As I turned 2, my dad realized his errors and tried to pursue visitation rights over me, but my mom denied my father any visitation over me.
      My stepfather came in the picture when I was 1 and helped my mom raise me. He convinced my mom to allow my dad have visitation rights. He made it possible for me to know my dad. He knew how tough it was growing up without a father and did not want the same hardships for me. What happened happened. I do not judge my dad for what he did, as I hope you do not either. Nor do I hold any grudge against my dad, because I know that we all make mistakes that serve as a purpose to teach us important lessons. I can actually say that I am happy how life played out because
"this situation made me who I am today"
and without all this I wouldn't have my two dads in my life. It's nice knowing that there is people out there I can relate my story to. Thanks for posting your story.

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