Thursday, September 8, 2011

RE: Nathan 9/11

           It is not abnormal for people to fear another attack on the nation, especially since the anniversary of September 11 is approaching. The events that took place on 9/11 were horrible and affected the lives of many both directly and indirectly. Mothers, fathers, sisters, friends, co-workers and other loved ones were lost in the wake of the tragedy. I  cannot say much on the emotions I felt that day because I was only in second grade and did not have much understanding for what had happened that day. I do however remember acknowledging the fact that many lives of people were lost, but beyond  that I was completely ignorant

           September 11 instilled fear in the lives of  many Americans, a fear that still exists even 10 years later. Many people complain that the new security measures that the country is taking are exaggerated. For example, I remember hearing several reports in the news where people complained about the airport security process they had to undergo. What do they want? Another 9/11? I don't understand how people complain  that they feel unsafe but yet refuse to follow the regulations imposed upon them. I'm not saying they don't have a right to express there feelings of discomfort, but what else can be done to make sure that the lives of people are safe? Nathan wrote
"It is said that 75 billion is used for airport security and is that all really needed?"
 That money  should be spent on improving the lives of children through education, but instead we are forced to spend it on trying to protect ourselves against POSSIBLE future attacks that are very unlikely.

            Since the events of 9/11 other forms of security measures have been taken.There are forms of video capturing everywhere, where society is being are being watched constantly. One cannot go anywhere without being watched. I know it feels like people are being deprived of their freedom, but isn't a little forfeit of freedom worth knowing you are safe and secure? It is uncertain when Americans will start to feel safe once again, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, who knows?

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