Monday, October 17, 2011


           So this weekend I went to a concert called Uproar. I can honestly say that it was one of the best experiences I have had. All through out my life I have struggled with my music preference. Since I can remember I have always liked to listen to rock and metal. My family always thought that it was weird for me to listen to that kind of music, especially being Mexican-American. I was always made fun of by my cousins because they listened to rap and hip hop. I was always forced to listen to their music although they didn't give me the chance to show them that my music wasn't so bad. Sometimes my family prohibited me to even listen to it while they were around because they didn't think it was right for me to listen to "devils music". Now that I'm older, I could really care less what they say about my music. Fortunately, my music is accepted by much of my family now. I'm happy to even say that my cousins even listen to rock at times with me.
          So going to this concert made me realize that I'm not alone. When I was at Uproar I was surprised to see a lot of Hispanics listening to the type of music I listen to. It made me feel I guess sort of normal knowing that there where other people just like me. It was weird, I did not expect there to be as many Hispanics as I saw. I mean I knew there were some out there but not as many as I saw. Now that I think about it though, why should the Hispanic aspect matter. Music is music, and everyone should be able to enjoy all different types of music no matter what race they are. Anyways this concert was fantastic, I think what made it fun was the fact that I was able to let go of the stereotypes and embrace the whole experience. I'm happy I was able to let go and ignore insignificant factors and and be myself.

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