Sunday, October 9, 2011

Free: Not so good weekend

          On Thursday all I could think about was the weekend, and how amazing it would be. I was so happy that I was going to have a three day weekend thanks to the furlough day. As the bell rang fifth period, I ran out of school because I was headed to the mall with my friend. I got to the mall and enjoyed myself. I went home knowing that this would be the start to an amazing three day weekend. Friday passed and I went to Sacramento to visit my sister and brother. Saturday and Sunday however, I was all alone and bored. Everyone was out the house doing something and I was stuck doing homework. My sister got to go to my cousins’ house and I couldn’t go because I was stuck with boring old homework. I felt horrible; I wanted to have fun too. I was in the house all day Saturday and most of Sunday. This was not how I planned my weekend to go; in fact it was far from it. I was upset and sad the whole time.
       Now that I think about it though, not everything goes as planned. Sometimes things happen and you just have to go with it. I learned that you can’t sit there feeling sorry for yourself because that won’t make a difference. You will still be in that same position; in fact the only thing it will do is make things worse. Sometimes you have to prioritize before you can have fun. You just got to go with what you’re given and make the best of it. 

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